Sunday, March 23, 2008

Season's and seasonality.

It has been a long time since my last posting to this blog. Perhaps it is sad that there were so many things which I left unsaid about my experiences in Israel. Times like that affect the soul in the deepest levels and indeed I can never return to the way I was before my travels to that country. In the time since I have travelled further, both in visiting new places and traveling to Russia and in myself becoming an Eastern Orthodox Christian such as found in Israel. Once the Orthodox confounded me and perhaps a little to quickly I had dismissed them as "nominal". Still there have been many changes since I was a much more naive young man visiting a country that I knew nothing about and having no special reason to visit there.

Hopefully I did not loose to much innocence there, but as all men must, in some level began to confront the world and my beliefs, thoughts, action and entire life. Who would trade such a time, both the good and the bad for anything? We all need to look forward and learn to live in the moment for God is called the "existing one". His unspoken name is praised continuously both in the Heavens and on Earth. May it be always so!

Perhaps I will take the time and try to recall as much as can to post some of my later experiences in Israel! I even have my own pictures which are still lacking in development (though the X-ray machines might not have helped them in that either). For example there was the wonderful trip we took to Petra. What an amazing time that was! Sleeping on a bus full of Israeli's and taking our alloted seats (classified as something "People", which apparently meant we didn't get seats but a nice spot to sit in the isle!). Well this is turning into another post itself. Perhaps I shall continue that story sometime.

Shall I continue with stories of my trips to Russia? Perhaps I shall write this for no one in particular, but as a way to remember what I have seen, for I am rather forgetful. Perhaps writing thoughts for a post enforces one to mold inchoate thoughts a little. It is easy to think and contemplate, but to form impressions into coherent, cogent thought is another matter entirely.


1 comment:

Rachel said...

So I guess welcome back to the blogging world!

I would love to hear more about your Israel trip. You haven't told me very many stories from that yet, and even less about Russia.

By the way, your profile description is very sad (hint, hint).